how it works
There is a sophisticated network of meridians in the body, through which energy known as Qi flows. Qi is the substance that creates and controls all physiological and functional activity in the body, therefore, efficient movement of Qi is essential to maintaining health. When a meridian becomes obstructed, the free movement of Qi is disrupted, resulting in pain and the development of disease. Acupuncture restores the natural movement of Qi by opening the meridian pathway.
Conditions Treated
As efficient flow of Qi is vital in recalibrating and maintaining peak health, acupuncture is able to minimize or resolve many symptoms and conditions by restoring and harmonizing the flow of Qi. Acupuncture is recognized by The World Health Organization (WHO) as effective treatment for many conditions from pain to neurological disorders, circulatory disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, endocrine disorders, dermatological disorders, as well as the common cold and flu.
While Acupuncture has many benefits including immune system support, better sleep quality, pain relief and management, stress reduction, and an increase in energy - one of the most significant benefits is balancing the nervous system. In today’s society, we often operate from our sympathetic nervous system (Fight or Flight) when we should be more consistently operating from our parasympathetic nervous system (Rest and Digest). Acupuncture helps patient’s access this state of being more consistently.