Cosmetic Acupuncture Poway
First, acupuncture needles stimulate lymphatic and circulatory systems, which work together to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the skin cells, nourishing the skin from the inside out. Cosmetic acupuncture also helps increase blood flow and stimulates facial muscles to improve their overall tone and conditioning.The goal of cosmetic acupuncture is to tone the skin of the face and neck to attain a more youthful appearance.
Additionally microtrauma is created with the insertion of needles, which stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin.. The increase in collagen production improves the skin’s elasticity, which helps smooth out fine wrinkles and lines.
Lastly, body acupuncture points are included in the session to nourish the entire body and treat the "root" cause of facial and aesthetic concerns.
The benefits
The most common result reported from facial acupuncture is a brighter, plumper complexion. Other patient-reported benefits include reduced fine lines and wrinkles, even skin tone, tighter and toned facial muscles, as well as looking years younger and feeling more confident in their own skin.
Cosmetic acupuncture is 100% natural, doesn’t involve any toxic chemicals, is minimally invasive, and generally painless. Many patients also report improved sleep quality, reduced cortisol levels, and improved energy in addition to the physical cosmetic benefits.
How it compares to Botox or fillers
Results are not as dramatic or immediate as botox or dermal fillers, but last up to twelve times longer with proper maintenance. Cosmetic acupuncture is not an instant fix or one-time treatment, as many practitioners recommend eight to ten weekly sessions to achieve the desired results, before moving to the maintenance stage.
The Procedure
Each appointment begins with a general health assessment and discussion of specific patient goals. Acupuncture needles are inserted into targeted facial areas and throughout the body, then retained for about 20-30 minutes, while the patient relaxes under a LED light specific to their desired outcome. Needles are then removed and followed by either facial cupping or facial gua sha with botanical facial oil.
After the session is concluded, future treatment plans are discussed. A treatment plan will be outlined for future sessions and progress moving forward. Lifestyle recommendations and home care and maintenance will also be presented at this time.
Pre and Post Care
Wait 2 weeks after getting botox injection or fillers to get cosmetic acupuncture.
Ask your acupuncturist any questions you may have surrounding the procedure.
Stay properly hydrated and eat a meal 1-2 hours before your session.
Follow your acupuncturist's recommendations for home care and maintenance.
Avoid strenuous exercise or alcohol consumption immediately after treatment.