Ep. 003 - A Functional Approach to Medicine with Dr. Bret Mosher, OMD, L.Ac

Why Function Matters.

Have you ever questioned how habituated we have become to feeling sick, ill, and exhausted? Perhaps so much so that we have forgotten what it feels like to feel good?

Most people believe that the primary work of any physician is to help guide patients toward a healthier state - and, while this is very true, the real goal of healing is that it may afford you a life of better connection to yourself, others and the world around you.

In this week's podcast episode, join myself and my mentor, Dr. Bret Mosher, OMD, as we discuss how Chinese and Functional Medicine maps how our bodies are responding or not responding to stress in our lives - and how becoming our healthiest version of self affords us the ability to thrive in life. It's a great episode that you don't want to miss!

Listen in below.

Kayla Ring